A step by step program to create, launch, and expand your very own credit repair business profitable and confidently! 
What are you getting in the 12 week
30 Day Credit Agency Mentorship Program....
The 30 Day Credit Repair Agency program better known as 30DAYCRA is the only program you need in order to start and grow a "profitable" online credit repair agency, without working for someone else or being in an MLM, even if you have no clue were to start or tried before in the past.

It doesn't matter if you don't have any tech skills or any previous business experience. Everything you need to know is provided step-by-step in this training program.

Are you ready to have location freedom (work from anywhere), time freedom (set your own hours) and financial freedom (no income limitations) while helping your community reach their financial goals? See below for 30DAYCRA student results and the full details of the 30dayCRA program!



When You Join 30 Day Credit Repair Agency Program, You Get Access To:

Developing A 7 Figure Mindset

Your successful business starts in the mind. We are going to breakdown what it takes to be successful in this business. We'll cover the things that took me from trading my time for dollars to running a 7 figure company.
*How to determine how many calls you need to equal a sale
*How to determine how many clients you need to reach your financial goals
*The best tools to use to train your mind for a successful business
*Techniques for becoming who you want to attract
...and much much more

Setting Up Your Business For Success

*How to set up a compliant credit repair business and legally structuring your business for future expansion. 
*How to choose a name that won't get your accounts shut down by the banks
*How to incorporate your business quickly and for free
*How to create additional legal documents needed to protect your business within 5 minutes
*How to set up your business to ensure you're in the best position to receive business credit
*How to determine the best entity for your business and limit your liability
*How to setup accounting for your business to avoid tax issues.
*What states to avoid doing business in and how to not get sued
....and much more

Corporate and Personal Branding Mastery I

*How to set up your business domain for current and future business success
*Understanding professional email and one thing you must do to ensure your email account doesn't get shut down!
*Creating your logo and crafting a winning and engaging corporate brand to attract clients
*How to structure your Facebook business page to convert.
*How to update your personal profile for client conversion and trust-building
*How to set up your Facebook Business Manager 
*How to create a winning and attractive personal brand to attract clients
*How to create a winning and engaging corporate brand to attract clients
*How to create an attractive personal and business brand to attract affiliates. 
....and much more

Corporate and Personal Branding Mastery II

*How to create and install your custom website for lead conversion
*Ensuring your website adheres to state credit repair requirement
*Ensuring your website adheres to merchant requirements for payment processing
*How to add your client acquisition scheduler to your website for easy, touch-free, and secure lead/client bookings.
*Adding educational content to your Facebook Business page to attract leads and to convey, you're an expert.
*Developing content for social media that sells
.....and much more

Taking Payments & Mastering (Passive) Affiliate Income

*Implementing merchant processing to accept all forms of payments from your clients
*How to take payments on auto-pilot to reduce customer service nightmares
*Installing your encrypted software to cut your workload down to 5 minutes per clients
*How to get paid for helping your client establish credit and improve your client success rate
*How to get paid for assisting your clients with credit monitoring
*How to get paid even when a lead can't afford your services
*Tricks of the trade: How to get paid for conducting free consultations
*The specific programs I use to earn over $10,000 per month in passive income! 
...and much more

How to become a credit expert

*How to understand, interpret, and implement consumer credit laws even if you never heard of them before.
*How to take complex credit topics and explain them to your client to ensure they remain clients longer.
*Understanding and implementing the FCRA to expedite client results and business success
*Understanding and applying the FCBA to accelerate client results and business success
*Understanding and implementing the FACTA to accelerate client results and business success
*Understanding and enforcing the FDCPA to expedite client results and business success
*Understanding and applying the CROA to accelerate client results and business success
*Understanding and implementing the SOL to accelerate client results and business success
.....and much more 








How To Get Your Clients Results

*The best credit monitoring to use for obtaining quick client results, how to use it, and how to receive residual income for recommending it.
*How to automate your client onboarding process
*How to protect your business and set expectations for your clients along with legal documents
*How to create default payment plans and custom payment plans for your services and when to use them
*How to add clients and test your payment system
*How to complete an audit of your client's profile and get results
*How to challenge items to obtain results with just 5 minutes of work
*Understanding the secret disputing methods that credit experts use to get results for their clients
*Dispute letter workflow and processing to eliminate busywork
...and much more

How To Become A Sales Master 

*How to become a master at sales...even without being good at sales.
*How to develop the tonality of a master salesperson
*How to create the physical environment of a master salesperson
*How to implement the ultimate credit repair script
*How to practice your script
*The 12 elements of a successful sales call
*The three things the lead must confess prior to you offering to help them and asking for the sale.
*Understanding why your leads will naturally lie and what to do about it.
*How to pre-solve objections before the phone call.
*The most common objections every credit repair company will hear and exactly what to say in return
*A step by step script and objection handling plan.
*How to close prospects on the phone and get paid with just one call
....and much more

Business Marketing Mastery I

*How to use social media to track leads interested in your business.
*Creating a customized "success page" that generates passive income
*Creating a custom redirect for your scheduling software to help close more sales and addresses client objections
*Step by step guidance for creating your unique social media audiences to track people who saw, liked, commented on any of your social media content for easy follow up
*Developing a social media game plan to ensure you're always the 1st person your ideal customer thinks of
...and much more

Automating Your Empire

*How to set up email automation so you can spend more time on client success and attracting leads to your business
*The exact email you should send to your list each week to get more sale calls
*Exact automation sequences for successfully scheduled appointments to ensure the lead is ready for the call
*What to send when someone becomes a client to your company to expedite the onboarding and result getting process
*How to prevent no-shows and what to do if a no-show occurs.
*How to make your systems talk to each other
*How to manage multiple clients
*How to automate your social media, advertising and customer service
....and much more

Business Marketing Mastery II & III

*Step by Step free and paid marketing methods to ensure that you never have to beg for business again!
*The two methods that I used to go from 4 figures to 6 figures within 180 days
*How to attract clients from FB groups
*How to execute a cellphone marketing plan to get clients and referrals
*My 52 week organic FB live marketing plan and strategy.
*How to leverage 10 minutes and your cellphone to create evergreen lead-generating content
*The Loan Officer and Real Estate blitz! How to attract affiliates and dominate your market
*How to implement paid advertising to attract your ideal client instead of freebie seekers
*Understanding and applying guru level retargeting techniques that will attract your ideal client to your business at will.  
...and much more







Here's a summary of everything you get...
This is not your typical "program". We provide you with everything you need to be successful

The Complete 30 Day Credit Repair Agency Live Program

So you can improve your credit and help others improve their credit while gaining financial freedom...

Tools, Affiliate Contacts, Social Media Content, Website Templates

I do not want you to get bogged down with administrative things.. I want you to focus on serving your clients as soon as possible. You'll have my specific social media posts to modify and use. The industry contacts that provide me passive income, so you can get paid even if a client doesn't sign up. Website templates where all you have to do is click a button to install and change the logo. These things took me months to develop, and you get it all!  
If You're Serious about taking your business to the next level! Then you need these bonuses too!....

12 Month Access to the DIY YFS Academy

Complimentary with your purchase of this program you will have 12 months of access to the YFS Academy Budget and How To Fix Your Credit Courses. This provides additional frameworks and lessons that all successful credit repair businesses need.  

12 Month Access to the 30dayCRA program

 I get it you may need to work your business during off hours like I did when I started, so you might need more time to get through everything, so I’m also giving you 1 full year of access to the 30dayCRA program so you can work at your own pace and come back to lessons as you need.

Access to the student only mastermind community!  

We are all in this together and the student group is so we can all strategize and support each other as we build our credit repair agencies. I want you to not only have the support you need for your personal finances by giving you access to the DIY YFS Academy. I not only want you to have the time you need to work at your own pace by giving you access to program contents for longer, but I also want to give you access to a support system of like minded people so you can get your questions answered 24/7 by your peers. We are all in this together and no matter what level you’re at there will be someone in the mastermind group that can assist.

Coaching Calls 2x A Week For 6 Months

Another bonus you’ll get for investing in yourself will be not one, but two weekly group coaching calls for 6 months with my team to assist you with any question that you may have as you start and scale your business. This is huge! I want to ensure that you have the professional support that you need to make your goals a reality. Most programs give you one call a week for 6 to 8 weeks. We are invested in your success and want to see you win, so we are going to be with you every step of the way for 6 months twice a week to help you reach your goals. The best part, even if you can’t make the call they will be recorded

Infinite Content Process  

My go to method for never running out of content or marketing ideas in your credit repair business so you can get more leads and sales. I use this for social media content, ads and email marketing. It’s really like my little cheat code for getting more leads and sales. 

Secret Sales Prompts

Secret Sales Prompts is the next bonus you get for investing in the 30dayCRA program. If you seen any of my marketing videos, emails and content you typically see a call to action. What the Secret Sales prompts bonuses provides are my best call to actions so you can turn any of your content into a sales message and get more customers. This pairs really well with the infinite content process bonus. 


This is a a step by step breakdown of my highest converting emails. I give you the head line, the actual email I sent and a breakdown of the email so you can modify it for you use. All of these emails have generated thousands of dollars for my business and I’m giving them to you just because you decided to invest in yourself. All you have to do is change a few words and boom you have a highly converting sales email that you can send your email list! 


The Business Credit Mastery Program is a course in of itself where you learn all about business credit. It builds on the foundation you will develop in the 30 Day Credit Repair Agency Live program and puts you in a position to use business credit to accelerate your results. Business credit gurus will charge you $5000 or more for this information or 5% of whatever you obtain funding for within their program. However, most business credit guru's have no clue on how to build business credit for a credit repair company (we are considered high risk and typical methods won't work). After losing thousands of dollars working with business credit guru's, I figured it all out, and guess what? I include what I found out in the 30dayCRA program. Listen, I know the tremendous value and relief it would be to have access to capital for a new company would mean. I leave no stone unturned on how to get access to capital for your company. Using these techniques, I was able to obtain hundreds of thousands of dollars for my business. The best part? Once you know how to do this, you can implement this for any new company you start!

Automated Sales Machine

If you thought I was crazy about giving you my emails, business credit program you’re really going to think I’m insane for this next bonus. Next up is my Automated Sales Machine bonus: This is a step by step breakdown and implementation guide of my 7 figure automated webinar that gets me sales on auto-pilot. You’re getting an over the shoulder breakdown of each slide so you can modify it and make it your own. Webinars have changed my life! They don’t sleep, they don’t get sick and you can provide an enormous amount of value so you can build trust, stand out, and get sales even while you sleep. 

Expert Interviews

This is where I’m going to use money out of my own pocket to bring you the best and brightest in the industry. For example, I’ve secured interviews with someone who is going to answer your dispute questions, We have interviews with business credit pros and we have interviews with staffing companies so you can expedite your process from working in the business to working on the business.

30 DAY CRA App

You also going to get 6 months of free access to the 30dayCRA App. This app will allow you to mail dispute letters from anywhere in the world so you can save money and time. This app has saved me thousands of hours per year and thousands of dollars in costs. What this application allows you to do is take what would take you 15 hours and turns it into 15 minutes. I've issued a challenge to several credit repair professional, automation specialists and various credit repair softwares... I have yet to see anyone send dispute faster than the 30dayCRA app! Check out the video 





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*Earnings and income representations made by Dominique Brown, and 30dayCRA.com and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, "DNB Consulting LLC") are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical, and results will vary. People that don't work hard to give up easily get ZERO results. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can, in NO way, guarantee you will get similar results.
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